Sue Ellen * Dallas Gay Bars

Sue Ellen is a bar that is full of drinks of great proportion and potency. This is known to be a popular place for the lezzies in their 20 somethings. Sue Ellen's has multiple bar areas: the first being the live music bar called the Vixin Lounge, another upstair's bar named the Lipstick lounge, and a large dance area on the main floor. Sue Ellen's is accessorized with big screen t.v.'s, a smoking patio, pool, air hockey, and darts.
On the first Monday of every month learn to play Texas hold em'. Tuesday night is Poker night with $2 Tecate cans and $7.50 draft pitchers all day and all night. $3 you call its are on Wednesdays. Karaoke on Thursdays. Live music on Fridays and Saturdays, nurse your hangover on Sundays with no cover.
Address and Phone
3014 Throckmorton Rd
Dallas, TX 75219
Phone: (214) 559-0707