Round Up Saloon * Dallas Gay Bars

The Round up Saloon is a gay country saloon that houses six unique bars: the parlor bar, the tool shed, Chute 5, the lone star bar, the horse shoe bar, and the tequila shack. The parlor bar is their daytime bar. The tool shed bar connects to the Chute 5. The lone star bar is the main feature in the dance room. Chute 5 is the covered patio bar that has pool, bench seating, and a coat check. The tequila shack stocks over 40 premium tequilas.The Round up Saloon is open seven days a week, each day offering a no attitude atmosphere.
They run karaoke five days a week in the parlor bar, and man candy retro dancing on Sundays. Mondays through Thursdays they offer free dance lessons. Don't forget Mojito Mondays, and Howdy hour on Fridays with $2.50 wells and $2 domestic long necks. All this and more for your country pleasure, and never a cover charge.
Address and Phone
3912 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, TX 75219
Phone: (214) 522-9611